Donate to help the Texas horned lizard
The iconic Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is the state reptile of Texas and was once abundant across the western two-thirds of the state. Since the late 1960s, horned lizard populations have declined or disappeared in many areas due to a variety of factors, including deterioration, fragmentation, and loss of habitat; non-native invasive species such as exotic grasses and red imported fire ants; and pesticide use. Many Texans have fond memories of the Texas horned lizard (aka “horny toad”) and wish for its return to its former abundance.
The Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project at Center for Conservation & Research (CCR) at San Antonio Zoo seeks to restore the Texas horned lizard population by working with private landowners to introduce zoo hatched lizards in areas where it has disappeared in recent decades.

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CCR assesses candidate release sites based on several criteria using remote habitat ranking and boots-on-the-ground surveys. In addition, CCR provides management guidance and assistance to land owners who wish to manage their property for native biodiversity, including horned lizards.
After lizards are released, sites are monitored for horned lizard activity at regular intervals. In order to do this effectively and efficiently, CCR has partnered with Paul Bunker, owner of Chiron K9, who has developed the Horned Lizard Detection Canine Network, a group of volunteer handlers and their canines who are trained to find horned lizards. Effective post release monitoring is critical for the success of the project.
By re-establishing horned lizard populations and encouraging voluntary management that benefits native biodiversity, CCR hopes with this project to improve native biodiversity across Texas and promote awareness and appreciation of this species for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. CCR’s long-term project goal is to develop replicable methodologies to share with other conservation entities to ultimately ensure the return of this beloved species to places where its absence is so deeply felt.
How Can I Help?
This project is entirely funded by private grants and donations. We simply couldn’t do it without support from individuals like you. Thank you to our partners: Texan by Nature, Chiron K9, Dallas Zoo, The Horned Lizard Conservation Society, Texas Christian University, and Texas Parks and Wildlife.