We are proud of the conservation successes at San Antonio Zoo and around the world.
We would like to thank our members and donors for making this possible.
Center for Conservation & Research Projects
A comprehensive examination of cave fauna biodiversity in North America is underway with partners at San Antonio Zoo’s Center for Conservation & Research, Illinois Natural History Museum, The Nature Conservancy, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Rogers State University, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Several weeks were spent monitoring federally listed Endangered species and state listed species in three cave systems where no previous inventories had been completed.
San Antonio Zoo assisted with the construction of a conservation lab in Chile to maintain critically endangered populations of Chilean amphibians, including Darwin’s frogs (Rhinoderma darwinii). These populations are part of a long term captive reproduction study, with one of our focal species listed among the top five most critically endangered frogs in the world. These efforts also include an important field component; testing for emerging wildlife pathogens, including amphibian chytrid fungus, throughout southern Chile. The program was started in 2007.
Project Partners: San Antonio Zoo, Metropolitan Zoo of Santiago, Austral University of Chile, University of Texas at Tyler
The goals of this effort are to survey historic and new localities, formulate conservation strategies, and clarify the systematics and taxonomy of critically endangered Chinese cavefish and cave species new to science. One reason for the decline of Chinese cave fauna overuse and abuse of aquifers throughout southern China, a problem we can relate to here in San Antonio. This project was started in 2011.
Project Partners: San Antonio Zoo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Alabama – Huntsville, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Louisiana State University
San Antonio Zoo currently holds a population of critically endangered reticulated flatwoods salamanders (Ambystoma bishopi), endemic to the southeastern United States in a mere handful of isolated localities. Husbandry protocols are being developed to share with resource agencies and project partners. Efforts are in place to establish captive breeding strategies and to potentially supplement declining wild populations. This program was started in 2004.
Project Partners: San Antonio Zoo, Virginia Tech, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Eglin Air Force Base
In response to the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS) and the highlighted absence of baseline data for the deep Gulf of Mexico (200-1500m) water column, the DEEPEND consortium is conducting a three year sampling, sensing, modeling, and laboratory analysis program to assess ecosystem dynamics, identify drivers of variability, and investigate possible consequences of the spill on ecosystem attributes. Data obtained during the 2010-2011 and 2015-2017 periods will establish a time-series with which ecosystem shifts or responses can be detected. San Antonio Zoo has created and maintained several education and outreach web-based platforms to convey the science of DEEPEND, as well as the mystique and mystery, of the Gulf of Mexico to the general public. These platforms include a Facebook page, an Instagram account, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel and the Kid’s blog.
The zoo’s Center for Conservation and Research has made the commitment to the DEEPEND project and will continue to support it for the project’s duration. This project began in 2014.
Project Partners: Nova Southeastern University, University of South Florida, Florida International University, Texas A&M Galveston, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida Atlantic University, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, the National Systematics Laboratory, San Antonio Zoo, and Whale Times Inc.
San Antonio Zoo is conducting long-term population ecology studies of the grotto salamander (Eurycea spelaea) in the Ozarks of Oklahoma. We mark individuals with acrylic elastomer and conduct stable isotope analysis to decipher the food webs in the cave streams where larval salamanders live. Populations are being monitored for change in abundance relative to the decrease in bat numbers as a result of infection with White Nose Syndrome. The species is listed as a species concern in all states where it occurs. The project was initiated in 2001.
Project Partners: San Antonio Zoo, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Illinois Natural History Survey, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, The Nature Conservancy
The Japanese Giant Salamander (Andrias japonicas) is one of the two largest salamanders on Earth. The species can exceed 5 feet in length. Habitat loss, dams, and introduced species threaten these amphibians. San Antonio Zoo is working with Japanese biologists to support conservation of wild populations. For example, dams prevent salamanders from passing the structures. Dams restrict movement and gene flow, isolating populations above and below them. Small, genetically-isolated populations have a low likelihood of survival. We are supporting efforts that will implement “salamander ladders”, similar to fish ladders, that allow salamanders to bypass dams, reconnecting populations isolated by dam construction. San Antonio Zoo is committed to the conservation of this ancient and giant species. This project began in 2003.
Project Partners: San Antonio Zoo and Asa Zoo in Japan
Other Conservation Projects
Over 500,000,000 plastic straws are used in the U.S. every day… and they will last for hundreds of thousands of years. More than 79% of all plastic waste ends up in landfills, or gets stuck in the natural world. As our nation is finding itself with too much plastic to recycle, straws are finding new homes in rivers, lakes and the ocean—clogging waterways and harming animals. Every straw is part of the equation until we say, “no más.” Each straw used is a choice and that choice is yours. Single-use plastic straws should not be our legacy. As consumers, business leaders and global caretakers— we can make straws no más.
Take the pledge today: Click Here
San Antonio Zoo’s Education Department and volunteer staff support the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University by conducting monthly surveys of migratory bird populations. All data obtained is submitted to Cornell University using the web platform ebird.org.
Website: www.ebird.org
The Department of Herpetology conducted fieldwork in conjunction with the Turner Endangered Species Fund in New Mexico for the critical Bolson Tortoise. Field population monitoring and health assessments of the tortoises took place in the Spring and Fall of 2015. At this time, the zoo also offered assistance with constrcution and financial support for the new head start facility that will further reintroduction efforts.
Website: www.tesf.org
San Antonio Zoo’s Department of Aviculture is directly involved in the captive reproduction and release of the Micronesian Kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus). A component to this program is determination of genetic diversity in the remaining population of the Kingfisher in Guam. In contribution to the captive program, San Antonio Zoo hatched five chicks this past season and successfully reared three chicks to adult age.
San Antonio Zoo volunteers and staff assisted Bat Conservation International in the restoration of habitat around Bracken Cave, the largest known bat colony in the world.
Website: www.batcon.org
San Antonio Zoo and volunteer staff collect data on amphibain presence on zoo grounds by evening monitoring of frog calls. All data collected is submitted to FrogWatch USA and iNaturalist. As of 2015, San Antonio Zoo’s Frog Watch chapter was listed as the second largest chapter in the state of Texas.
Website: https://www.aza.org/frogwatch
Monarch Butterfly Tagging Project- San Antonio Zoo Education staff and volunteers tag the wings of Monarch Butterflies as they pass through the San Antonio area on their migration
Monarch Larval Monitoring Survey- San Antonio Zoo volunteers and education staff support the University of Minnesota by monitoring our milkweed patch outside the butterfly house. We report population, health, and milkweed species preference of monarch/queen/solidier/and non-milkweed feeding species butterflies in all life stages, populations and life stages of other invertebrates and their interactions with monarch butterflies, number and species of milkweed plants, and rain fall average. From May to November, we try to provide weekly to monthly data. We report all of our data via https://www.mlmp.org/
Monarch Way Station and Monarch Watch- San Antonio Zoo supports Monarch Watch’s Monarch Way Station program by up keeping native milkweed and beneficial nectar plants to serve as an oasis for migrating monarchs and other native pollinators. San Antonio Zoo’s education and horticulture staff have up kept the garden surrounding the butterfly house as a way station since April 2012.
Website: www.mlmp.org